
     PRESENTED BY THE DOMESDAY BOOK OF DOGS Short-legged Indian Dog.   "It had erect ears and a head large in proportion even when compared with the Eskimo Dog; its body was long and its legs short; its fur was rather shorter and sleeker than that of the other native dogs and its body was studied with small spots of various colours.  There was a good deal of intelligence in its countenance mixed with wildness.  It was extremely active and could leap to a great height.  Carrier Indians used it in the chase.  It was of the size of a large Turnspit Dog , and had somewhat of the same form of body but it had straight legs and its ears gave it different physiognomy." Richardson, 1831. Short-legged Indian Dog.  William Brooks Cabot.  C1900.  (From Glover 1920). Grinnell, 1897, supplies a description of an Amerindian beaver-hunting method. ”Until their intercourse with the white men had taught them the value of the beaver, they did not a...